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Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

Hi, my name is Suzanna. When the old HVAC system in my home began to fail, I decided to invest in a new one. Over the past few years, I have become increasingly environmentally aware, so I wanted my new HVAC system to be as green as possible. I contacted an HVAC contractor and discussed what I wanted, and they suggested I have a solar powered HVAC system installed in my home. I did a little more research and I was really impressed by the solar option as it would save me money and help to save the planet. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to explore solar HVAC systems.


Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

    3 Tips for Stress-Free Air Conditioning Installation

    Air conditioning installation can be a disruptive time for your family, but you can make the process as easy as possible with a little planning and preparation. Here are three tips that can help you to get through the installation process with a minimum of stress and keep your air conditioning system in good condition in the future. 1. Choose the Right Aircon System For Your Home Not all air conditioning systems are suitable for all homes.

    Decisions You'll Need to Make When Choosing an Air Conditioner

    It can be tricky when choosing an air conditioner for your home, as there are so many options and terms to understand. To help you make the best choice, here is a rundown of several relevant decisions. Ducted vs Split System Firstly, consider whether to install ducted or split system airconditioning. A split system consists of an outdoor unit plus an indoor component that blows cold air into the room. A multi-zone split system can have one outdoor unit connected to several indoor units to cool multiple rooms at once.

    3 Signs Your Split System Air Conditioning Needs To Be Replaced

    Split system air conditioners have many advantages over more conventional, ducted air conditioners, and are generally very durable and reliable machines. Unfortunately, no air conditioner lasts forever, and after many years of faithful service, any split system will eventually start to become more trouble than it's worth. When a split system gets too old to function properly, replacing it with a new model is usually the more economical option. Here are three telltale signs that your split system air conditioner is on its last legs and should be replaced:

    Understanding the Air Conditioning System Selection Process and Its Constraints

    The installation of air conditioning systems in industrial, commercial, and residential buildings has become commonplace in the modern world. This is because more building owners now understand the importance of ensuring the thermal comfort of building occupants. The AC design engineer is responsible for weighing up the various types of cooling systems available and recommending the best one for the building owner's needs. Here's a look at the main factors that influence the selection of an AC system as well as constraints on the system selection process.

    4 Reasons to Hire HVAC Services to Maintain Your AC

    The air conditioning unit is an essential household system for several reasons. It plays a critical role in cooling your home during the heatwave seasons. If you live in a humid region, your air conditioner will help dehumidify your home to prevent mould and bacteria growth. Another significant role of the air conditioning unit is to ventilate your house by removing stale air and replacing it with fresh and clean air.

    Heating and Cooling Alternatives for Your Home During Cold Seasons

    Weather seasons can come with extreme temperatures that can make life unbearable in your indoor space. Thanks to modern heating and cooling systems, you can maintain optimal temperatures within the house at cost-friendly rates. The best heating devices are designed to distribute heat throughout the house in the most convenient and non-invasive ways. Today, there are several devices and fittings you can use to bring heat into your home. Choosing the one that works for you requires an excellent understanding of the equipment and working mechanism behind each system.

    5 Benefits of Gas Heating

    Gas heating systems are popular across Australia and for good reason. Gas heating offers many benefits, both financially and in terms of lifestyle. Take a look at these five advantages of a gas heating system. 1. Affordability Gas heating usually costs less to run than an electric heating system. Although costs can vary depending on the global gas price and the deal you get from your energy provider, gas heating almost always works out to be less expensive than electric heating.

    Wish It Long Life! 3 Simple Things That Will Help Your Split Air Conditioner Live Longer

    Installing a split air conditioning unit in your home is a great idea. But did you know that installing the split system is one thing, and knowing what to do to extend its lifespan is another thing? After installing the split system, most homeowners don't read or follow the manufacturer's guide so they can prolong the unit's lifespan. Split-system air conditioners require proper maintenance to be in good working condition throughout their lifespan.