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Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

Hi, my name is Suzanna. When the old HVAC system in my home began to fail, I decided to invest in a new one. Over the past few years, I have become increasingly environmentally aware, so I wanted my new HVAC system to be as green as possible. I contacted an HVAC contractor and discussed what I wanted, and they suggested I have a solar powered HVAC system installed in my home. I did a little more research and I was really impressed by the solar option as it would save me money and help to save the planet. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to explore solar HVAC systems.


Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

    Hydronic Heating and Cooling Systems for Commercial Premises

    Commercial air conditioning systems don't only work through a series of ducts and vents. Over time, more efficient heating and cooling solutions have been developed for commercial purposes. One of the most commonly used systems are hydronic heating and cooling systems. They work by transferring heat or cooling through a series of tubes and pipes that are strategically placed underneath the floors and behind walls and ceilings. Hydronic systems are efficient, require less maintenance, and provide additional comfort to commercial establishments.

    Air Conditioning Repairs and Maintenance – Why Most People call AC technicians

    Air conditioning (AC) systems are a necessity in most homes and offices. In fact, if the AC sized to function there would be some kind of work flow breakdown in some homes and even work places. Hence, the need to regularly service your AC system to prevent it from malfunctioning. So, why might you need to call an air conditioning repair technician? Here is a look at a few common reasons why most people call these AC experts:

    Preparing Your Air Conditioning Unit for Fall

    As the fall season approaches and it starts getting cooler, most homeowners tend to ignore the functionality of their air conditioning units. They do this at the expense of those hot and humid days that may creep up on them even as the weather gets cooler. In fact, it is not uncommon to encounter temperature spikes during the falland additional humidity over certain stretches of the season. Therefore, the fall and other cooler months are no time to ignore your air conditioning unit.

    Commercial HVAC Systems: Should You Repair or Replace Your Air Conditioner?

    Air conditioning systems are essential in commercial spaces because they promote personal comfort for employees and customers. Also, the units ensure that the environment is not too hot for the efficient performance of machines such as computers. Unfortunately, AC appliances can break down unexpectedly even with regular maintenance. If this is the case in your business, you must choose the right restoration option. Ideally, you can elect to replace the system or commission repairs.

    Energy Efficient Heating | 3 Actionable Steps To Keep Your Pockets Filled When Installing Ducted Heating

    Installing ducted heaters in your home can make your living space more comfortable in winters, but it also means that you'll have to deal with higher energy bills. Nearly 40 percent of energy consumed is directed towards heating and cooling in an average Australian home. Luckily, this doesn't mean that you have to empty your pockets with huge energy bills. Smart actions can help you preserve your hard earned dollars.

    Upgrading Your Home Heating Needs Using Heat Pumps

    New to the market, heat pumps are the latest inclusion in heating system installations for new homes as well as progressive developments.  Most people are not sure what heat pumps are and confuse them with boilers or other eco-friendly systems afforded by a few. What makes heat pumps more reliable compared to boilers or other conventional heating systems? Why should you consider upgrading to this type of heat system in your home?

    Why You Need Solar Panels in Your Home

    Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular due to its free and unlimited energy. People are becoming eco-friendly and frugal to use solar energy to save their money and their environment. You can save money on your heating or energy bills by installing a solar panel in your home. This device is used to generate electricity or heat as it absorbs energy from the sun. It converts light from the sun into electricity.

    Split-System Air Conditioning: Various Benefits You Will Enjoy

    Air conditioning systems are a vital component in numerous homes. As such, you will find that there are a plethora of options that you could choose from to ensure that the system you select will be able to meet your individual needs. Although centralized air conditioning is a traditional option you could consider, one of the popular types of air conditioning that homeowners opt for is the ductless split system. These are also commonly referred to as wall-hung systems and have both an exterior and interior unit.