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Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

Hi, my name is Suzanna. When the old HVAC system in my home began to fail, I decided to invest in a new one. Over the past few years, I have become increasingly environmentally aware, so I wanted my new HVAC system to be as green as possible. I contacted an HVAC contractor and discussed what I wanted, and they suggested I have a solar powered HVAC system installed in my home. I did a little more research and I was really impressed by the solar option as it would save me money and help to save the planet. I decided to start this blog to encourage others to explore solar HVAC systems.


Solar HVAC: What You Need to Know

    Safety Tips You Should Know About Pipe Installation

    Pipework installation involves a wide array of processes, coupled with possibly hazardous equipment and materials. Pipes are installed to meet thermal and safety performances for industrial or domestic use. They are mostly installed in a roof space or under the ground. When working on construction sites, workers are exposed to a set of risks and hazards. Therefore, they have to carry out construction site safety rules to avoid accidents and severe injuries.

    Considerations for Choosing a Portable AC Unit for Residential Use

    The portable air conditioner is an ideal cooling option for residential spaces. In general, these units are usually small and compact, so they can be placed in apartments and other limited spaces. The design is also ideal if you live in a building with restrictions on structural modifications and window AC units. These regulations are often imposed by rental apartment managers, homeowners' associations and even the city council. In addition, these AC products are relatively inexpensive compared to central and split systems.

    Commercial Refrigeration Equipment: 3 Troubleshooting Tips

    If the refrigerators in your commercial premises are a few years old, you may find that, now and again, you have to carry out a little troubleshooting to fix minor problems. Below is a guide to three common problems that can affect commercial refrigeration units and the steps you can take to fix them. Puddles form within or beneath the fridge If you notice that water is pooling in puddles beneath your fridge or on its interior surfaces, it is important that you take action.

    A Few Tips for Determining the Right Size Air Conditioner for Your Home

    When it comes to buying a new air conditioner for your home, you don't want to always assume that bigger is better. A system that is too large can actually cool your home before it can remove humidity so the space feels cold and clammy; you might also simply overpay for a large system you don't need. On the other hand, an undersized system will run too often as it tries to cool your home, and your rooms may still feel hot and stuffy.

    Cool Savings: Save Energy with Your Air Conditioner

    The thought of cutting down on air conditioning in the hottest months may be unpleasant—but hang tight. Saving energy with your air conditioning doesn't have to mean turning it down or—thank goodness—turning it off. In fact, there are simply a number of ways to increase the efficiency of your unit, meaning that you don't need to turn it up so high. Equally, there are some alternatives you can consider if you'd really like to cut costs.

    Reverse-Cycle Air Conditioning: Advantages Over Other A/C Systems

    A reverse-cycle air conditioning system, also referred to as a heat pump A/C system, is a type of air conditioning system that utilizes a refrigeration cycle as well as a reverse refrigeration cycle to cool and heat a home respectively. The reverse refrigerant cycle warms the house by pumping the refrigerant into a condenser using a compressor. As the refrigerant gets compressed, it heats up, and a fan blows the warm air into the house.

    Top Signs Your Air Conditioning Is In Need Of Servicing

    Typically, once the ambient temperatures become cooler, homeowners will use their air conditioning less regularly. However, a misconception that some people have is that if they are not using their air conditioning unit, they do not have to keep up with care and maintenance. The reality is that air conditioning servicing should be conducted consistently to ensure that there are no underlying problems going undetected. The following are some of the top signs that you air conditioning is in need of servicing.